The Stuph File Program

Featuring dancer Corky Ballas from Dancing With The Stars; science writer, Andrew Fazekas; & Stuart Nulman with Book Banter
Corky Ballas, a ballroom dancing champion who not only is featured on Dancing With The Stars, but has trained many of its dancers, talks about the show and the popularity of dance in general. You can also check out the website, Learning2Dance.com
Andrew Fazekas, “The Night Sky Guy” is back to talk about, among other things, the battle between scientists at NASA and others concerning information on the discovery of other planets similar to Earth.
It’s The Mailbag as we check the emails, Facebook messages and Twitter tweets that have come into the show. If you have a message for The Mailbag you can email it directly by clicking on mailbag@thestuphfile.com.
Stuart Nulman is on with another edition of Book Banter. The reviewed book is Hello, It’s Me: Dispatches from a Pop Culture Junkie by Chris Epting, (Santa Monica Press, $18.95). You can also read Stuart’s reviews in The Montreal Times.
This week’s opening slate is presented by Travis Todd, Promotions Producer at Global Montreal. Check your local listings for the cable channel. If you have Bell Satellite, you can find it at channel 234.
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