The Stuph File Program

Featuring actress Marisa Ramirez from Spartacus: Gods Of The Arena; Gaby Chapman, author of Let Them Have Books: A Formula for Universal Reading Proficiency; & Meryl Weinsaft Cooper, co-author of Be Your Own Best Publicist: How to Use PR Techniques to Get Noticed, Hired, and Rewarded at Work
Actress Marisa Ramirez is one of the stars of Spartacus: Gods of the Arena. She’s back on the show to talk about her role in the period piece as Melitta, the body slave of Lucy Lawless’ character Lucretia.
How do you make sure kids will learn to love reading, without doing any arm twisting? Gaby Chapman has some ideas. She is the author of Let Them Have Books: A Formula for Universal Reading Proficiency.
How do you get your work noticed? Meryl Weinsaft Cooper is the co-author of Be Your Own Best Publicist: How to Use PR Techniques to Get Noticed, Hired, and Rewarded at Work.
This week’s opening slate is presented by Global Montreal News reporter/anchor Paola Samuel. Check your local listings for the cable channel. If you have Shaw Satellite, you can find it at channels 330 & 59. On Bell Satellite, it’s channel 234.
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