#0204: Ace Callwood; Ryan Oksenberg; & Alex Sangha

The Stuph File Program

Featuring Ace Callwood, co-founder of Coffitivity; filmmaker Ryan Oksenberg; & Alex Sangha, author of Catalyst: A Collection of Commentaries to Get Us Talking

Ace Callwood is one of the co-founders of Coffitivity, a new website that provides fake coffee shop noises to enhance your creativity.

Filmmaker Ryan Oksenberg, who’s series of short films on YouTube is called Life Line Booth. He and some friends have gone to pay phones in Los Angeles’ Skid Row and in the middle of the night anonymously upgraded them with furniture.

Alex Sangha, author of Catalyst: A Collection Of Commentaries To Get Us Talking.

This week’s opening slate is presented by Lee Mellor, author of Rampage and also Cold North Killers: Canadian Serial Murder.

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