#0396: Robert J. Sawyer; Dr. John Huber; & Pete Trabucco

The Stuph File Program

Featuring science fiction writer, Robert J. Sawyer; Clinical Forensic Psychologist, Dr. John Huber; & theme park expert, Pete Trabucco

Award winning science fiction writer, Robert J. Sawyer, author of Quantum Night

Clinical Forensic Psychologist, Dr. John Huber, Chairman for Mainstream Mental Health, on when is a good time to see a therapist

Theme park expert, Pete Trabucco, author of America’s Top Roller Coasters & Amusement Parks: A Guide for Those Who Ride Them and Tips for Those Who Fear Them, on Disney’s plans for Star Wars Land

This week’s opening slate is presented by Glenn Nashen, Associate Director of Communications & Media Relations for CIUSS Integrated Health & Social Services, University Network for West-Central Montreal

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