The Stuph File Program

Featuring sports broadcaster Tim Ryan, author of On Someone Else’s Nickel: A Life in Television, Sports, and Travel; & Dannielle Ward from Australia’s Trundle Hotel
Legendary sports broadcaster, Tim Ryan, who spent a half a century broadcasting more than 30 different sports in more than 20 different countries, is the author of On Someone Else’s Nickel: A Life in Television, Sports, and Travel.
Dannielle Ward from Australia’s Trundle Hotel is back on the program after more than ten years to talk about the plan they had to entice population growth by offering to rent farm houses in the area to interested families for one Australian dollar a week. What was the result of the experimental offer? Find out. Also, you can listen to Dannielle’s first appearance on the show way back on #0064.
This week’s guest slate is presented by literary publicist Kim Plumley from Publicity Mavens in British Columbia.
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