The Stuph File Program

Featuring Allen Wittman & Andrew Masters, creators of Liquid Ass; Nicole Nattrass, author of Just the Two of Us: A Soft Place for Tender Hearts to Land; & Carla Malden, author of Shine Until Tomorrow

Allen Wittman and Andrew Masters are the creators of Liquid Ass, an overwhelming, stinky, prank product. Once unleashed, this power packed, super concentrated liquid begins to evaporate filling the air with a genuine, foul butt crack smell with hints of dead animal and fresh manure. It’s a follow-up to a conversation we had with them back in 2016.
Nicolle Nattrass is a front line Addiction Counselor and the mother of a child who experienced trauma at a very young age. She’s the author of the guide book, Just the Two of Us: A Soft Place for Tender Hearts to Land.
Carla Malden is the author of a young adult novel called Shine Until Tomorrow, a delightfully nostalgic romp.
This week’s guest slate is presented by Pat Caporali, a Communications Specialist for Dodge//SRT Mopar Motorsports.
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