The Stuph File Program

Featuring Natasha Deen, author of The Signs And Wonders Of Tuna Rashad; Yogi Akal; & Marc Hartzman, author of Chasing Ghosts: A Tour of Our Fascination with Spirits and the Supernatural

Natasha Deen is the author of the YA novel, The Signs And Wonders Of Tuna Rashad.
Our old friend, Yogi Akal, is celebrating a milestone birthday, but he wants a special organization to get all the presents. He’s organized Yogi Akal’s Walk For Health, Hope And Haven Toronto, raising funds for a day shelter for homeless men over 50.
Marc Hartzman, from WeirdHistorian.com and the author of Chasing Ghosts: A Tour of Our Fascination with Spirits and the Supernatural is back, with the weird story for June, talking about a unique car in the early 30’s that was billed as the car of the future, called The Dynasphere.
This week’s guest slate is presented by Joseph Planta who is the host of the podcast, On the Line, based out of Vancouver and can be heard at TheCommentary.com.
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