The Stuph File Program

Featuring comic Judy Tenuta, author of Full Frontal Tenudity; Nick Santora, TV executive producer & writer; & Miles Cameron, author of Against All Gods

We remember stand up comic Judy Tenuta, author of Full Frontal Tenudity, who died recently. We feature a chat we had with Judy from 2012.
TV producer/writer Nick Santora on how TV writers and novelists pick character names and how they get them cleared. Nick is also the author of a couple of favourite books of mine. Slip & Fall and the excellent page turner Fifteen Digits.
Miles Cameron, author of the fantasy novel, Against All Gods.
This week’s guest slate is presented by Erin Bond, Program Director at CHSR 97.9FM in Fredericton, New Brunswick, where The Stuph File Program is heard Tuesdays at 9pm.
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