The Stuph File Program

Featuring Daniel Kalla, author of Fit To Die; weight loss coach, Frank Kermit; & science writer Andrew Fazekas, author of National Geographic Backyard Guide to the Night Sky and National Geographic’s Stargazer Atlas: The Ultimate Guide To The Night Sky

Medical thriller writer, Dr. Daniel Kalla, talks about his latest novel called Fit To Die. It deals with some of the deadly diet pills that are actually out there in a story that is literally ripped from the headlines.
Frank Kermit, who is a relationship coach that we’ve had on the program several times over the years, has a new coaching service that is near and dear to his heart. He’s now a certified weight loss coach, after he himself lost over 200 pounds.
Science writer, Andrew Fazekas, The Night Sky Guy, author of National Geographic Backyard Guide to the Night Sky and National Geographic’s Stargazer Atlas: The Ultimate Guide To The Night Sky, talks about the high-definition footage we’ll have from the lunar surface when NASA gets back to the Moon; how Europe wants its own satellite system to compete with SpaceX; a Death Star devouring a planet and more.
This week’s guest slate is presented by Larry Martos, who is an IT Support Specialist working for Heyday by Hootsuite, and back in the day he was one of my radio producers, known as Admiral Larry on my old radio show.
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