The Stuph File Program

Featuring Jason Chatfield & Scott Dooley, authors of You’re Not A Real Parent Until . . .; world traveller, Randy Williams; & science writer Andrew Fazekas, author of National Geographic Backyard Guide to the Night Sky and National Geographic’s Stargazer Atlas: The Ultimate Guide To The Night Sky

Jason Chatfield & Scott Dooley are a cartoonist/writing team for such publications as The New Yorker, who are the authors of the book You’re Not A Real Parent Until . . .. Together they also host a podcast called Is There Something in This?
Randy Williams, aka Ramblin’ Randy has visited all 193 countries in the world. He’s also created his own country called The People’s Republic of Slowjamistan.
Science writer, Andrew Fazekas, The Night Sky Guy, author of National Geographic Backyard Guide to the Night Sky and National Geographic’s Stargazer Atlas: The Ultimate Guide To The Night Sky, talks about Blue Origin selected by NASA to build the Moon lander; the discovery of a new exoplanet and more.
This week’s guest slate is presented by Anthony Turk, who is a PR Specialist out in California who runs Turk Entertainment PR. Over the years he has supplied dozens of his clients as guests for The Stuph File Program.
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