#0814: Cynthia Moore & Andrew Fazekas

The Stuph File Program

Cynthia Moore is an award-winning playwright and performer who shifted gears and become a mental health counselor. She shares her journey in the book, Dancing On Coals.

Science writer, Andrew FazekasThe Night Sky Guy, author of National Geographic Backyard Guide to the Night Sky and National Geographic’s Stargazer Atlas: The Ultimate Guide To The Night Sky, is back to talk about the long-awaited return of two NASA astronauts who were stranded in space for months on the International Space Station; the Blue Ghost Moon lander; the Starlink satellite train; the James Webb Space Telescope; & the new streaming service from the ISS.

This week’s guest slate is presented by Louis Ferrante, the former mobster turned author, who has written a series of books about the Mafia. His latest one is Borgata: Clash Of Titans, A History Of The American Mafia. He was back on show #0806.

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