#0084: Tea Krulos; Chez Pazienza; & Darren Taylor

The Stuph File Program

Featuring Tea Krulos, author of Heroes Of The Night; columnist Chez Pazienza; & Darren Taylor

Tea Krulos is a blogger who writes about the phenomenon of people who dress up as superheroes, who have sprung up in many cities. His blog is entitled Heroes Of The Night, which is also the title of his upcoming book.

Chez Pazienza is a veteran network news producer and a regular contributor to the Huffington Post. He’s also a new media consultant.

Darren Taylor is best known as Professor Splash. He’s broken his own world record by diving from a 36-foot platform into a kiddie pool with just 12 inches of water. He is the world’s greatest and most decorated shallow water diver.

This week’s opening slate is presented by Ramon Stoppelenburg, known from his Letmestayforaday.com travels. He now lives in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. He’s now trying to save a local hotspot for all expats in Phnom Penh, the cinema named The Flicks, the ONLY place in Cambodia that shows western-oriented movies to the expat community. He needs help to do it. He launched the website www.timetohelp.me where he explains his entire goal: you can help him save The Flicks cinema with a small contribution in the form of a LOAN (Which you get refunded after 6 months) or as a onetime DONATION (Which will become a microcredit on Kiva.org).

Part of the success of this show depends on the generosity of its listeners worldwide.

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